The last few weeks can be characterized as – Snow and Rain and no contests. Snow cancelled the east coast racing for a week while rain and track problems halted Santa Anita. Laurel Park held on-site contest, but other than that one, no contests at the tracks or online.
However, all that changes this Saturday as the Beat the Host finals are held and the first NHC Online event begins. The tourney seasons kicks off in force which coincides with both Rachel Alexandra and Zenyatta taking back to the track.
I finished “Last Mountain Dancer” which was a two thumbs up read, and the author says a good ending is true to the story. A great ending he goes on to add stays true to the story but surprises the reader and a perfect ending surprises even the author. As the NHC seasons begins to build as spring arrives, I wonder what surprises will unfold as this journal rolls into December.
A nice blend of prediction and surprise seem to be at the heart of the best art. ~ Wendy Carlos
The Nomination Is In: The G1 Hollywood Derby at Del Mar
*Stay Hot* wins The La Jolla: Benoit Photo
Hello friends and Welcome to The Turk Blog, where we handicap turf races
and develop exacta bet constructions. I...
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